Web Socket multi-connection client, can connect to multiple servers at the same time.
Node Description
Create Web Socket Client

Create a WebSocket client object. After creation, promote the returned object to a variable, otherwise there will be problems with subsequent connection sending.
If you need to connect to multiple servers, create several objects. One object can only connect to one server.
Connect Server

Connecting to a WebSocket Server
- Url: The server address to connect to
- Protocols:Added additional protocols, no need to be passed in by default
- Upgrade Headers:The additional header data added does not need to be passed in by default
- Auto Reconnect:Will it automatically reconnect after a short connection?
- Connected: Connection success callback notification
- ConnectionError: Connection failure callback notification
- Closed:Disconnect callback notification
- Message:Server message callback notification
Send Message

Send a message to the server
- Msg:The string data message sent
Close Connect

Close the connection to the server