This plug -in can use a blueprint to operate the SQLite…
1. Node Description
Execute SQLite
Perform the SQL statement directly on the SQLite3 file. After the execution of this operation, the file will be released without occupying the file.
File Path :File absolute path
SQL :Sentences that need to be executed
No Result : It will not return a record set for ‘Ture’. If the execution statement has a ‘INSERT’ statement, you need to hook it, otherwise the data may be added repeatedly.
Success :Return to TRUE successfully
Error No :Error coding returns in execution failure
Error Msg :Error information about the failure of execution
Result :Returned record set
DT SQLlite Object
This object can operate the SQLite3 file and keep the file occupation. If you need to operate frequently for a file, this method is recommended.
Create DT SQLite Object
Open the sqlite3 file
Execute SQL statement
Close file
Return to record set operation
The result set of Result is an array of a MAP, a array is equal to a line of information, and the data of this line is stored in a MAP.
You can also use this plug -in to convert the output set to JSON.
Hi! How can I build project with this plugin for linux? I have an error “unable to load plugin ‘SQLiteCore’. Aborting.”
Maybe your UE is not fully installed. SQLiteCore is a module that comes with UE.