UE · 2024年1月20日 2

【UE DTRabbitMQ】Unreal Engine Blueprint Connecting RabbitMQ Server Plug-in Instructions

This plug-in can use blueprints to connect to the RabbitMQ server and push or listen to messages.
The download link is at the end of the article.

1. Node Description

Create RabbitMQ Client

【UE DTRabbitMQ】Unreal Engine Blueprint Connecting RabbitMQ Server Plug-in Instructions

Create a RabbitMQ client object. The returned object needs to be promoted to a variable. This object will be used for operations in the future.


【UE DTRabbitMQ】Unreal Engine Blueprint Connecting RabbitMQ Server Plug-in Instructions

Open a socket connection login to the broker

Host :connect to this host.

Port :connect on this remote port.

User Name :the user name for connecting to the broker.

Password :the password for connecting to the broker.

Virtual Host :the virtual host to connect to on the broker. The default on most brokers is “/”

Heartbeat :the number of seconds between heartbeat frames to request of the broker. A value of 0 disables heartbeats.

Channel :the channel identifier


【UE DTRabbitMQ】Unreal Engine Blueprint Connecting RabbitMQ Server Plug-in Instructions

Publish a message to the broker

Channel :the channel identifier

Exchange :the exchange on the broker to publish to

Routing:the routing key to use when publishing the message

Body :the message body

Bind Message Delegate

【UE DTRabbitMQ】Unreal Engine Blueprint Connecting RabbitMQ Server Plug-in Instructions

This method is called when a message arrives from the server.

Channel :the channel identifier

Queue Name :the queue name

Auto Acknowledges :if true automatically determine that message has been processed


【UE DTRabbitMQ】Unreal Engine Blueprint Connecting RabbitMQ Server Plug-in Instructions

Acknowledges a message

Channel :the channel identifier

Delivery Tag :the delivery tag of the message to be ack’d

Multiple :if true ack all messages up to this delivery tag, if false ack only this delivery tag


【UE DTRabbitMQ】Unreal Engine Blueprint Connecting RabbitMQ Server Plug-in Instructions

Disconnects from the server.

Bind Connection Close Delegate

【UE DTRabbitMQ】Unreal Engine Blueprint Connecting RabbitMQ Server Plug-in Instructions

This method is called when the connection to the server is close.

2. Use Cases

3. Download

RabbitMQ Client in Code Plugins – UE Marketplace (unrealengine.com)