UE · 2024年5月30日 0

[UE Unreal Engine] DTLoadFbx runtime loading FBX local model plug-in description

This plugin can dynamically load FBX models when running after packaging.

[UE Unreal Engine] DTLoadFbx runtime loading FBX local model plug-in description

Create a new Actor and add a DT Runtime Fbx Component.

[UE Unreal Engine] DTLoadFbx runtime loading FBX local model plug-in description

Then directly call the component function LoadFile to load the display model (Note: model animation is not supported)

FilePath : The absolute path to load the model.

Create Collision: Whether to create a collision body.

This component inherits from UProceduralMeshComponent, so the basic settings are the same as PMC.

[UE Unreal Engine] DTLoadFbx runtime loading FBX local model plug-in description

Use Async Cooking: When checked, the collision body will be calculated asynchronously, and the generation time will be much faster.