This plugin can open the system’s own file/folder selection window in the blueprint. And you can package and shipping the package.
1. Open Load File Window
Open the file reading selection window, you can only single-select files, this function just returns the file path, and will not actually read the file information.
Dialog Title: the title of the open window
Default Path : The default path when opening
Show Info: Display information in the file filter window
File Type : The actual file format that needs to be operated, for example [*.txt] [*.png] [*.*]
File Path :Selected file path address
2. Open Load File Window (Multiple)
Open the file reading selection window, you can select multiple files, this function only returns the file path, and will not actually read the file information.
Dialog Title: the title of the open window
Default Path : The default path when opening
Show Info: Display information in the file filter window
File Type : The actual file format that needs to be operated, for example [*.txt] [*.png] [*.*]
File Path :The path address of the selected file. This variable is an array. If several files are selected, several will be returned.
3. Open Save File Window
Open the file save selection window, you can select multiple files, this function only returns the file path, and will not actually read the file information.
Dialog Title: the title of the open window
Default Path : The default path when opening
Show Info: Display information in the file filter window
File Type : The actual file format that needs to be operated, for example [*.txt] [*.png] [*.*]
File Path :Selected file path address
4. Open Folder Window
Open folder selection window, return folder path.
Dialog Title :Open folder selection window, return folder path
Default Directory: The folder selected by default when the window is opened
New Folder: Whether to display the new folder button
Directory Path:Selected folder path address
5. Run File
Use the system default program to open the appropriate file。
File Path :The full absolute path to the run file